Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Win or Fail Nails - Zoya Naturel Deux Dotticure

*Press Sample*

Hey y'all!  Today's post is the result of swatching polishes while half asleep.  Life has been an emotional rollercoaster since April and as soon as it starts to look up, BAM, something else happens.  Needless to say, my anxiety has been in overdrive and my sleep schedule has been crazy.  

That being said, I grabbed a dotting tool and did random little patterns using Zoya Aubrey over a base of Zoya Chanelle.  

I felt it was actually cute IRL, but as I started editing pictures I wasn't too happy with it.

What do y'all think?  Win or Fail?


  1. They didn't turn out too bad but maybe if you went with two more contrasting colors, it would have worked better.

  2. I LUV ALL THESE COLORS! IMO... They all intertwine to look great together! 👍


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