Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Zoya Naturel Deux Gradients

*Press Sample*

Hey y'all.  So as I'm pulling my Naturel Deux polishes out of their packaging and line them up on my desk to rest before swatching, I notice that I absolutely have to do gradients with them.  They beg to be used together.  

I will totally admit that I was half asleep when doing both of these, but I actually like them both.

First, I used Spencer as the base color to blend with Chanelle and Emilia.  I only did 2 layers of this sponging gradient and really should have done a few more.   It looks like different types of layered chocolate.

For this one Madeline is the base color and blended with Aubrey and Marney(Marnie).  Out of the two I think this is my favorite.

I REALLY wanted to add something to these, but didn't want to royally mess it up.  Being half asleep I did at least want to show y'all how well these blend together for something subtle.  This way if you don't want the entire collection, you can at least snag half of it. 

1 comment:

  1. Both are nice gradients but I really like the second one the most.


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