Thursday, September 18, 2014

Wet N Wild Limited Edition Matte Megalast Lipsticks for Fall 2014

Hey y'all!  I totally wasn't planning on a post today, but HAD to after I swatched these on my arm.  I went to CVS this morning & they had JUST put out the Wet N Wild LE Fall collections.  I was SO excited.  I don't know about y'all, but trying to find some of these limited edition collections in my area is SUCH a pain in the booty.  Granted there's a TON of drugstores within a 10-20 mile radius, it's annoying running in and out searching.

At $1.99ea. I probably should have grabbed all 4, but these were the ones I REALLY wanted.   As you can see, I grabbed Urban Night and Sweet Cream.  These are creamy and I think more satin than matte.
I absolutely LOVE how the packaging on these is a rubbery matte.  I won't have any problems confusing them for my other WnW Megalast lippies when rummaging through my drawer. 

Sweet Cream is on the top.  I feel like it's a bit more neutral/nude to my eyes than in this picture....but IDK.  I still quite like it.

Urban Night is on the bottom.  It's a gorgeous berry/wine shade for the fall.  I want my hair this color, or a few shades darker.

Then I decided to see how they looked together.  I probably should have reversed how I applied the colors, but I still like it.  First, I swatched a little bit of Urban Night. Then I applied Sweet Cream over top of it.  I don't even know how to describe the new color it makes, but I quite like them layered.  I guess it's like a peachy wine?

If you're on the hunt for these, be sure to check Nouveau Cheap for her sightings map.  Also, if you're in my area...or at least Georgia...try looking today.  The clerk at my store said they'd JUST got them in.  I may end up going back for the others.

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