Friday, September 19, 2014

Milani Bedazzled - Fall 2014

Hey y'all!  So when I saw pics of a limited edition collection called Bedazzled from Milani, I had to run out.  I gave it a few days since it seems like my drugstores take AGES to get new stuff in.  The other day I decided to just hop in the car & go look.  Even if I didn't find anything, at least I got out of the house.

 My first few stores were a bust.  Then, just a few cities over I lucked out at a CVS.  What I was really interested in were the 2 products on the far left.  From swatches, I NEEDED that blue gel liner.  So....lets start with that.

 The blue, just OMG.  The packaging doesn't stay it, but the jar itself does(as others have said) state that the shimmer on top is an overspray.  Underneath there is no glitter.

 Look at that packaging.....HOLO!  The little brush that comes with, is fantastic & sadly the only thing I like about it.

Isn't it purdy?!?!?!  As much as I love how beautiful and blue this is, the staying power just isn't there.  I tried multiple things, setting the swatch with eyeshadow, applying it over primer on my eye AND adding shadow on top, etc.  No matter what I do, it smears off like crazy.  Even hours later on my hand it rubbed off like I'd used makeup remover on it.  It looked SO amazing on my eyes, but if it can't stay on without making me look like I've been punched, I can't deal.  Even the packaging claims it's smudge-proof. 

Now to what I really wanted.  The lipstick in Enchanted Topaz.  This is a little lighter in the tube than my pic shows, but I didn't want to mess up trying to adjust in photoshop.

I love how this almost looks expensive with the gold & the plastic over it.  Sadly, the only place on this entire tube that has the name is that sticker on the lid.  There's nothing anywhere else.

Not only is Topaz my birthstone, but as y'all saw last week I've been on the hunt to dupe an old lipstick of mine.  So when I saw this was a nude color I had to go find it.  It's almost that orange/brown/nude shade that I feel looks perfect on me and it's matte too!

As soon as I got home I had to swatch it on my hand......and put the EMBE Messina Matte on next to it.....
There's only a SLIGHT difference in the two, but OMG it's close enough for me to be a dupe.  It's even more matte than the one with "matte" in the name.   I'm going to have to go back and get backups upon backups.

I wish you luck if you're on the hunt for these.  From what I understand they're available at Walgreens and CVS only.  Sadly, the Wags in my area doesn't sell Milani so I had to hunt every CVS nearby.  Also, there's only 2 of each item in the displays.

Good luck, and may the odds be ever in your favor!

1 comment:

  1. That eyeliner is gorgeous but bummer to hear the staying power isn't there.


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