Sunday, July 13, 2014

Win or Fail Nails - Brown & Dusty

Hey y'all!  I was playing around with some stuff & wanted to use a few untrieds.  I grabbed a few and this is what I came up with.

The dusty mint shade is Color Club New Bohemian, and the purple is Color Club Shabby Drab.

I wanted to stamp the chevron, but after using 5 different polishes and 3 different stampers I couldn't get the image off my Bundle Monster plate.  SO, I used a couple of the Chevron Mini's from Nail Vinyls for the zig zag in the middle of the nail and some dots using Zoya Louise.

For the stamped images, I used Zoya Louise with the RA-112 plate by Red Angel

The accent nail wasn't exactly what I was going for, but I still think it's cute.

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