Sunday, January 16, 2011

Amazon goodies!!!

Since I'm rebuilding my nail polish collection, I wanted something a little different too.  I've seen some YT nail tutorial's using these Konad nail stamping plates & thought OMG I want those!  I am so not artistic, especially when it comes to trying to paint a design on my nails.  I tried on my toenails before Christmas and failed miserably.  

I decided to research these things and about fell out of my chair at the price.  Even Ebay had ridiculous prices.  SO......I went to Amazon to see if there were any knockoff brands that would do the same thing.  I found SHANY Nail Art.for around $15.00 and 25 plates/discs.  IMO, the only bad thing about choosing these is that I couldn't see what designs were on them.  Also, the fact that some of the reviews were absolutely correct.  These "discs" are about 2" in diameter, very thin, covered in plastic on one side, and have extremely rough/sharp edges.  The "packaging" these comes in is pretty much useless. 

Amazon did NOTHING to make sure these wouldn't slide all over the place in the box, and when I picked mine up off the porch to bring it in, I had like 3-4 discs fall out of the edge of the box.  They only taped the top & bottom length wise.  Though I'm not sure they wouldn't have sliced through any additional tape, it would've been nice to at least try.

I'm planning to take a Dremel tool to the edges to kinda file them down to see if that helps as some of the reviewers said.  If not, I'll just be extremely careful.  Luckily I have found a place to store them....a small round tin that I'm currently trying to clean the last of the candle wax out of.  

I really like the designs on these & can't wait to start playing around with them.  If you're curious, just do a YouTube search on "nail stamping art".  It's an easy way to get that cute art on your nails at home!  Now if my stamper & scraper will get here I can play!!

The other item I ordered from Amazon is.......

a Coastal Scents 10 blush palette.  Please excuse the picture.  i think the flash drowned the color out.  However, you can click here to see what it looks like online.  I've heard good things about Coastal Scents eyeshadow palettes & well.......I have a crapton (yes, that's a word...LoL) of eyeshadows.  Other than my BE blushes, I have 2 (3 if you count the ELF contour & blush kit) and wanted some variety.  You can see a better pic & swatches here, I think her pics look much better & I'd do swatches, but I already put up my goodies from today.  I may do some later.  

Here's a couple of pics of both items together.  Again, sorry about any brightness, as I took these late at night inside and the flash just didn't like me using it.  Not to mention I still have no editing software for my photo's.  

You can see the blushes better, but the discs reflect too much.

That's just a plastic sheet in the lid of the palette not a mirror.
I'll say it again........I can't wait to start playing with these.  I've been kinda in a make-up slump the past few weeks & think this will help me!



  1. That looks just like my 21 plates that I got from Bundle monster.
    Oh and I want that palette too. Well really the doubble stack both matt and shimmer

  2. I think they're very similar plates and these (I believe) were less expensive with 4 more plates.


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