Monday, March 21, 2016

Funky Fingers - Riot

Hey y'all!  Today I have one of the polishes that have been sitting in my untrieds basket for a while, needing to be swatched.  I'm not going to ramble, so lets just get right to it. :D

funky fingers riot swatches review purple

This is 2 coats of Riot, with Seche Vite top coat as usual.

funky fingers riot swatches review purple

Riot is a neon pinky/red based purple cream.

funky fingers riot swatches review purple
Most neon's only look great over white, or with TONS of coats.

funky fingers riot swatches review purple
Thankfully this only acts like a neon when it dries, meaning it needs a top coat or it will look flat.  

I've worn this several times since swatching and I LOVE it!


  1. I LOVE Riot! I picked up a bottle about 5 years ago, then had a mini freak-out when my local store didn't have any left after I ran out. Luckily I was able to find a bottle buried at the bottom of one of their bins last year. It's a fantastic color!


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