We met up for lunch at a little Mexican restaurant, swapped some polishes we wanted to destash, chatted, and had a blast. Even better is that we're all polish addicts so we all had some beautiful mani's to share. This is mine....
I kinda winged this & while I wasn't happy with it at first, I'm really starting to love it. I got so many complements on it too, so I'm glad that I kept it instead of starting over.
The base is a gradient of Fresh Paint Guava and China Glaze Aquadelic (which is also the base on the accent nail). The stem of the flowers is Fresh Paint #Winning. The flowers are Fresh Paint Honeydew with Color Club Not-So-Mellow Yellow in the center.
The dots on the accent nail are everything except #Winning. I'm completely obsessed with peaches & aqua shades right now. And Guava seems kinda washed out in these pictures, this mani is actually a bit more bright in person.
After lunch we scooted over to a local nail supply store and had some fun. I could have done way more damage than I did, but some of the things I had on my list were out of stock. I actually had to keep reminding myself that I didn't NEED everything I was wanting to toss into my basket. Here's what I got...
- Brushes - because they always come in handy to clean under your nails...and even better when hands get really dirty.
- #14 Kolinsky brushes with a dotting tool on the end - The one I bought last year is still going strong as a clean-up brush and I thought it would be smart to get a few backups. SO much better, IMO than the $1 ELF brushes that seem to not even last through one use.
- Polishes (L to R) - China Glaze Hot Flash, Color Club Wham! Pow!, Color Club Port-folio, China Glaze Bite Me, China Glaze Papa Don't Preach, China Glaze My Way Or The Highway
Even though I had some anxiety issues, and traffic was HORRIBLE on the way back, I had a blast. No, seriously, it took me 50 minutes to get there and over 90 to get home. I'm excited to play with my new pretties & I can't wait for the next meetup.
The floral design is cute. I really like the colors you used too.