Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Pure Ice Glitters....and a possible dupe!

*tosses glitter around*  Today I have a few glitters from Pure Ice to show y'all. 

First up, I'm going to show you the possible dupe....

FIVE-SOME - 3 coats with top coat.  This is a sheer black base with blue, pink, silver, and a few other colors of glitters.  It's possibly a dupe of Butter London's The Black Knight, but I do not own it to confirm.  If there's a difference, other than price, it's very subtle.  I would suggest either using a couple coats of top coat or a coat of Gelous + top coat over this as it is somewhat gritty.

TWINKLE - 3 coats with top coat.  A clear base with small & hex fuchsia glitters.  I wore this as part of my NYE mani, that I plan to recreate later and loved it.  BTW, when I read the name of this...this scene from Be Cool popped in my head.....

MY WONDERLAND - 3 coats with top coat.  This is a mix of green and blue glitters that look aqua-ish on the nail.  I also wore this in my NYE mani that I'll do again later.  I really like this color.

TWIST AND SHOUT - 3 coats with top coat.  Small red glitters with red & blue hex glitters.  VERY patriotic.  I could see myself wearing this over a blue base or drag/brushing it over some white.

While these are better as toppers for underwear, they're just as great on their own.  I did swatch these all over a glue basecoat so it was easier to remove.  I actually love them all.

Pure Ice is available at Walmart stores nationwide.

~Note: These items were sent for my 100% honest review/opinion.

1 comment:

  1. I own The Black Knight and from your pictures that polish looks the same!!


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