Monday, January 14, 2013

Butter London Pillar Box Red

Oh how I love my reds.  I don't know why I didn't wear this sooner, but OMG it's amazeballz.

I got this and 2 others(which I still need to swatch) when Coterie opened.  And it's so gorgeous that I had so many pics.

Above is 2 coats with a top coat.  This is a bright red that has a slight pink base to it.  I would call this a crelly because it's in between a cream & a jelly.  For some reason my eyes are seeing the pictures as an orange based red, which this absolutely is not.  You can see the pink in the bottle between my middle and ring fingers on that 2nd pic. 

I will definitely be wearing this a LOT & make sure you check back tomorrow to see me use it as undies.  :D

~Note: These items were sent for my 100% honest review/opinion. Click HERE(affiliate link) to visit 


  1. Reds don't usually look too great on me, but this is a gorgeous color!

  2. What a deliciously strong red - it does look like it has an orange tendency but cameras can totally be tricky like that.


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