Friday, June 17, 2011

My LGBT Skittle Mani!!!!

What is LGBT you ask?  It stands for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender.  You can read more about it by googling it, or looking HERE.  When a fellow polish lover (sorry, I can't remember if you have a blog or not.  If you do, please link it below) suggested we do a skittle mani for LGBT month, I jumped on it.  I've already seen a sneak peek of some of the other bloggers pics & I'm LOVING them ALL.

I love the LGBT community.  While I'm not totally involved in it, I have TONS of LGBT friends and even a few that I'm proud to call my family.  I could go into an entire drawn out blog post here, but I won't.

Anyway, I had several ideas & finally decided on some colors to use....
The Ulta is Sun-Sational.  The rest are from a 4 pack I got at Big Lots (no color names)
For this, I used a clear base (can't remember which one) and 2(maybe 3) coats of color.

If you look where I circled on the green and pink, the colors started to separate for some reason.  ON BOTH HANDS!  I slapped some SV on them quick and tried to decide what to do.  I'd planned to just use ChG Fairy Dust, but knew that wouldn't cover it.........SO, Black shatter to the rescue.

Without topcoat.
THEN.......FAIRY DUST!!!!!!  I know this may sound wrong to some people, but what is a LGBT mani without Fairy Dust???
Inside under natural light lamp.

inside under natural light lamp.


see the Fairy dust!!!!

Inside with flash

I am so in love with this mani.  This may be another one I keep on for 2+ days. Though I don't plan to do anything until at least Sunday, and I put this on late Wednesday evening.



  1. commenting works!!
    it popped up :)

    i LOVE fairy dust over black shatter and now i neeeeed to do that.

  2. I love it! <3 fairy dust needed to be on this mani <3

  3. I just did this same manicure, minus the Fairy Dust, on my friend last night! Yours looks great with Fairy Dust over it!

  4. This is so colorful and fun! I think I'll do this too if I get some of the colors that are needed :)


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